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A digital painting of two P51 D's of the 352nd Fighter group. George E. Preddy on his final flight Christmas day 1944.

George Preddy was killed on the morning of December 25, 1944, by friendly fire. On that day, he was leading a formation of 10 P-51s and after patrolling for about three hours, they were directed to assist in a dogfight already in progress. Preddy destroyed two Bf 109s before being vectored to intercept a lone Focke-Wulf Fw 190 strafing Allied ground forces southeast of Liège, Belgium. As he pursued the Fw 190, Preddy's aircraft as well as two other P-51s passed over the Allied front line at treetop height. A US Army anti-aircraft (AA) battery (believed to be part of the 430th AA Battalion, XIX Corps) fired at the Fw 190 but missed and, instead, hit Preddy's P-51. Preddy managed to release his canopy but was unable to bail out before his aircraft hit the ground at high speed. Although the shallow angle of impact meant the crash was potentially survivable, his wounds from .50-caliber machine gun fire were mortal.

 A3 (16.53" x 11.69") printed on 250gsm paper. Limited to 250 signed and numbered copies.

Blue On Blue- P51 Mustang

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